Considering a Career Change? Here are 5 Books to read.

Are you considering a career change? Is your career path not taking you where you hoped to go? Making a big career change can be scary. Luckily there a plenty of good books with useful advice that can help decide what to do and to help you strategize your career change. We have selected 5 great books to read this summer to boost your inspiration and to help you make the right career change decision.

‘Switch: How to change things when change is hard’ By Chip Heath and Dan Heath

Making big changes in our career or our private life is hard. We want to change, but we don’t want to get out of our comfort zone too much. This book will teach you why change is so hard and how you can overcome the obstacles. Writers Chip Heath and Dan Heath will give you lots of real life examples to learn from. The books shows you that successful change is possible and it will surely inspire you to make the changes you are looking for.

‘Rework’ By Jason Fried and David Hansson

This book can be a real eye-opener for anyone that feels stuck in their career. Jason Fried and David Hansson show you that traditional business rules don’t apply anymore. The internet and new technologies have made starting a business accessible to everyone. This book is fun to read and has loads of practical advice for people wanting to start their own business or people looking for change in their life.

‘Designing your life: How to build a well-lived, joyful life’ By Bill Burnett and Dave Evans

All the things we use in our everyday life is designed by someone. Bill Burnett and Dave Evens use design thinking principles to show you how you can design and build your private life and your career. This book will teach you and help you with the five step process for designing your life: be curious, try stuff, reframe problems, know it’s a process, ask for help.

‘Get a life not a job’ By Paula Caliguiri

You can plan your own career. You have one life, why not love what you do? Don’t let anyone else control your life. This book by Paula Caliguiri will teach how to plan your career and how to take the steps necessary to fulfill your plan. The book contains a lot of great profiles of people who managed to do this successfully.

‘The 4 hour workweek’ By Tim Ferriss

This famous book is not just for people that want to reduce their working hours to 4 hours a week. This book is about changing your lifestyle. Changing live to work into work to live the life you want. This book will teach you that the old concept of a career is not mandatory anymore to lead a successful life. The book is great fun to read and it will change the way you look at work-life balance forever.

Considering a career change as a senior? You might also want to read our tips for senior job seekers.

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