60 Competencies to use on your Curriculum Vitae

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A competency is the ability to successfully do a task by combining skills, knowledge, experience, personality, motivation and intelligence. When used in business or in job applications it refers to the ability to complete a specific work related task successfully. Competencies can be very divers, some competencies you can learn or develop by repetition others are closely related to you personality or motivation.

Competencies are important elements of the recruitment process. Recruiters often look for candidates with certain key competencies that are crucial for that specific role within the company. Therefore it is important to include your competencies in your job application. You can include them you’re your CV and you cover letter. It is also important to have a clear overview of the necessary competencies when you are preparing for a job interview. Most job posts will state some of the key competencies. You can also use the job description itself to determine what competencies will be crucial for that role. The list of competencies below can help you to identify these key competencies for you job application.

There are numerous competencies, from general basic skills to very specific professional skills. It is essential to select the skills that are relevant for the job you are applying to. Obviously it also necessary that you indeed own the competencies that you select. We have divided this overview of 60 competencies in four groups: personal competencies, interpersonal skills, leading competencies and technical competencies.

Personal competencies

This type of competencies reflects your personality and your personal behavior. It gives information about what type of person you are.

Adaptability: The ability to change and to deal with changing circumstances

Ambition: To pursue progress, to reach goals, or for career opportunities

Assertiveness: Being confident and forceful, not frightened to say one’s opinion

Creativity: The ability to imagine and create new things or methods, resourcefulness

Decisive: The ability to make quick and effective decisions

Dedicated: Being devoted to a task

Discipline: The ability to set and follow strict rules for one’s self in difficult situations

Energetic: Full of energy and stamina

Enthusiastic: To show eager interest and to be excited

Flexibility: The ability to adjust to changing situations, adaptability

Independent: Being able to work and take decisions without the support or help of others

Integrity: Having strong moral principles, being honest

Involvement: To have a strong association with an organization

Learning ability: The ability to gain and to process knowledge and proceedings

Loyalty: Having strong feelings of support and duty for an organization or other person

Perseverance: The ability to continue an effort in spite of difficulties until the goal is reached

Positive: Optimistic, counting on a good result

Precise: Being exact and accurate, paying attention to details

Proactivity: Taking initiative, thinking ahead, not hesitant

Reflection: The ability to look back on events or actions and to analyse the results

Responsibility: Aware of agreements and duties and acting accordingly

Result driven: To focus all your effort on a specific result or goal

Self-awareness: Being conscious about one’s own personality and abilities

Self-starter: The ability to work effectively without needing to be told what to do regularly

Strategical: The ability to create a well-considered plan to realize long term goals

Stress resistance: The ability to work and perform under pressure, deal with stressful situations

Taking initiative: To start something without being told to do so

Interpersonal skills & competencies

Interpersonal skills and competencies show how you interact with other people:

Advising: The ability to give counsel and give useful recommendations

Cooperation: To work together, to make an effort to complete a task in close consultation with each other

Diplomacy: The ability to manage relationships in a sensitive and tactful way with consideration of the interests of different parties

Empathy: The ability to understand the feelings of others and sympathize with others

Listening: To hear attentively and show interest in what others have to say

Negotiating: The ability to reach an optimal agreement

Networking To interact with other to develop and maintain professional contacts

Persuading: The ability to convince someone through reasoning or arguments

Presenting: The ability to give information in clear and structured way to a group of people

Sociability: Liking to be around and interact with other people

Verbal communication: The ability to articulate complex matters verbally

Written communication: The ability to write clear and well organized

Leadership competencies

This competency category refers to the aspects of leading a group of people or a company.

Coaching: To mentor and to support others during a learning process to reach a specific goal

Conflict management: The ability to deal with and to deescalate conflicts

Delegating: To hand over tasks and responsibilities to others

Leading: To direct and to motivate a team to complete a task or to reach a goal

Motivating: To encourage others, to provide others with a reason to do things

Problem solving: The ability to recognize problems and solve them individually

Functional competencies

Functional competencies are related to specific area of work. There are even functional competencies that are linked to a specific job. The full list of functional competencies could be endless, we have gathered some of the more general type of competencies here:

Analytical :To examine thoroughly and systematically

Business awareness: The knowledge and understanding of how a business works and what makes a business successful

Customer focus: Putting the customers’ needs in the center of your working process

Entrepreneurship: The ability to recognize and to reach for business opportunities independently

Goal driven: To work with a focus and dedication towards the end goal without being distracted

Helicopter view: The ability to have a clear overview of complex situations or tasks

Innovative: The ability to introduce new creative and original ideas and methods

Organizing: To bring together people and means necessary to reach a goal, make arrangements

Planning: To organize what needs to be done, create a work schedule

Prioritizing: The ability to classify tasks by importance

Project management: The ability to work together in a temporary setting to reach a specific goal

Quality focus: To strive for high quality, setting a high quality standard for one’s self

Risk management: The ability to forecast and evaluate (financial) risks and to create procedures to minimalize these risks

Time managements: The ability to plan your time efficiently to complete a task within a set deadline

Vision: The ability to foresee and to plan for future events and developments

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